Terms and Conditions

Waste Services

  1. Customers Warranty:
    1. I confirm that I have fulfilled my duty to apply the waste hierarchy as required by regulation 12 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.
    2. or that the required notice has been served under the provisions of Section 3(1) of the Act on required Authorities in the form required by Section 3(2) of the Act covering the removal of each loaded container.
  2. Customers warrant that with respect to each container ordered to be placed other than on private property the permission of the Highway Authority has been duly obtained under Section 31 of the Highways Act 1971, and customers undertake that they will ensure that all conditions subject to which the aforesaid permission is granted shall be observed at all times and in particular will secure that the container will be properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.
  3. Customers requesting or ordering vehicles delivering or collecting containers to leave the public highway shall reimburse us in full respect of any loss, cost, claims, damages or expenses we may thereby sustain whether as a result of damage to the vehicles themselves or the property of customers or third parties.
  4. Customers shall reimburse us in respect of any loss or damage to the containers whilst on hire to them from whatsoever cause the same may arise (fair wear and tear expected)/ They shall also fully indemnify us in respect of any claims for such injury to person or property arising out of the use of the containers whilst on hire to them howsoever the same may be caused or arise.
  5. In addition, customers undertake to observe at all times the conditions subject to which the permission of the Highway Authority is granted as aforesaid (including in particular the provision of lamps and traffic cones) if containers are sited anywhere else where they are likely to be a contributory cause of damage or injury to third parties during the hours of darkness customers shall provide adequate warning light on the containers and they shall also ensure the safe loading of material into the containers.
  6. The skip must be loaded and level. Overloaded skips are dangerous and illegal aborted collections or exchanges will mean further charges.
  7. Once a skip has been positioned by the correct equipment, it should not be moved.
  8. Adequate notice must be given to the office to collect skips.
  9. Customers will be responsible for any infrastructure damage of failure such as tarmac, concrete or block paviours however caused.
  10. All manhole covers and inspection covers are capable of supporting the vehicle.
  11. Please note we require a minimum of one foot or thirty centimetres working distance on each side of the vehicle.
  12. Any wasted trips will be charged at a minimum of £35 per visit.
  13. Any loss or damage to the containers will be charged at the current market rate.
  14. No fires, a fire will distort the sides of the container causing damage beyond repair, in which case a full replacement cost at the current market value will apply.
  15. Overdue Accounts will be subject to a 5% surcharge per month.
  16. Waste within the container will remain the property and responsibility of the hirer until such times as it has been paid for, identified and disposed of under the terms and conditions.
  17. Maximum hire period is two weeks.  Website orders are automatically booked on for collection, however, any deliveries booked via telephone will need to call to confirm collection date.
  18. We reserve the right to collect all skips once the two-week hire period has elapsed.
  19. If suspected asbestos is place in a skip, a test will be required to be carried out.  The costs of the test will be charged to the hire.
  20. If the material is confirmed as asbestos Hazardous Waste Disposal costs will apply.
  21. No invasive species of plant, such as Japanese Knotweed or any other species, is permitted within the disposal.  Any collection with suspected invasive plants will not be collected and no costs incurred by the hirer will be refunded.  Any subsequent costs incurred by Ace Liftaway as a result of a collection containing invasive species will be reclaimed from the hirer.
  22. Any damage must be reported to our office within 21 days, no claims will be accepted after this time.
  23. There are various items which cannot be placed in a general waste skip but can be collected at a chargeable rate:
    • Fridges, Freezers, Batteries, Pressurized Cylinders, Oils, Chemicals, Tyres, Tree roots, mattresses, TV'S and monitors.
    • New Plasterboard & Asbestos have to be placed in separate skips.
    • Upholstered furniture and items containing persistent organic pollutants (POPS*)

Please contact us for a quote if you need any of these items.

*POPS items commonly include:

  • sofas
  • sofa beds
  • armchairs
  • kitchen and dining room chairs
  • stools and foot stools
  • home office chairs
  • futons
  • bean bags, floor and sofa cushions

Ace Loos


The conditions as stated hereinafter shall apply to all contracts entered into by Ace Loos/Ace Liftaway stated hereinafter as the owner for the hire of site units, event hire which includes disabled units, urinal units/pods, heras fencing, barriers, showers and VIP trailered Units hereinafter called the “equipment”. The company, firm, person corporation or public authority taking the owners equipment on hire is hereinafter called the hirer. These conditions shall override any terms sought to be imposed by the hirer, inconsistent here with, which are hereby expressly excluded. No variation shall be effective unless agreed in writing by the owner.

Cancellations - Site Units.

The hirer may cancel the contract at any time however if the cash hirer notifies the owner of the intention to cancel less than the contracted 4-week hire, the hirer will be obliged to pay the full weekly hire alongside the delivery and collection charges. If the account customer hirer notifies the owner of the intention to cancel less than the contracted 1-week hire, the hirer will be obliged to pay the full weekly hire alongside the delivery and collection charges. If either cash or account customer hirer cancels the order before delivery 24 hours’ notice is required for no fee to be charged. 

Cancellations - Events & VIP Trailered Units.

The owner requires 14 days’ notice of any event and VIP trailered unit cancellations. Deposit’s will not be refunded. 


Overdue accounts are subject to a 5% surcharge per month

Commencement & Termination Of Hire.

The date of commencement of the hire shall be determined by the contract. The date of termination is that on which the hirer has booked in the off hire date with the owner. Where the hire is intermediate and not for a fixed period the hire shall be terminated by either party giving reasonable time for the collection of the equipment on hire. Upon termination of the contract, the hirer shall immediate make available the unit(s) for collection by the owner. 

Conditions Of The Equipment On Receipt.

Unless the owner receives notification within 24 hours followed by written confirmation all plant shall be deemed to have delivered in good working order and to the hirer’s satisfaction.

Compliance With Law.

The hirer shall be responsible for complying with all relevant laws, bylaws and regulations applicable.

Combined Discount.

An order of a skip of any size from Ace Liftaway, as well as an Ace Loos toilet, for the same site, under the same name/company, and you will be eligible for discounted services. This offer can only be redeemed when the toilet and skip are ordered at the same time, from Ace Liftaway and Ace Loos. Or when a toilet is ordered for a site that already has an Ace Liftaway skip on site. The Combined offer MUST be for the same site and under the same company/name on both billing invoices. Please note that it is your responsibility to inform on ordering that an Ace Liftaway skip is either on site or the date in which the skip has been booked in for delivery. If the delivery of the Skip is more than 1 week after the toilet delivery, the discount will not start until the delivery of the skip has been confirmed to the nearest week.

For Cash Customers only – If the delivery of the Skip is more than 1 week after the toilet delivery, the discount will not start until the delivery of the skip has been confirmed and the discount will be extracted after the 4 weeks minimum hire has extended. No refunds or credits can be given against the initial minimum payment received.

Consequential Losses.

The owner shall not be liable for any consequential expenses liabilities losses, claims or proceedings whatsoever caused by, or arising out of the late delivery, non-delivery unsuitability or repossession of the equipment or any breakdown or defect in the equipment. The owner reserves the right to charge for delays and additional labour time required in connection with works/delivery/collection and time spent due to the unsuitable site conditions and/ or soft ground due to inclement weather or any other condition. Current rate of £50.00 per hour will be charged without prejudice. Note: one-hour maximum site time is allowed for delivery and collection for event units and 30 minutes on site time for delivery/collection and servicing of the site unit.  The owner accepts no liability whatsoever in respect of third-party claims of consequential loss or damage of any kind and the hirer shall indemnify the company against third party claims unless such liability be caused by faulty materials or workmanship or negligence on the part of the company. The owner accepts no liability whatsoever in respect of any malfunction of the equipment if the duration of the hire or numbers utilising the equipment exceeds that stated in the quotation. Additionally, the owner accepts no liability whatsoever in respect of any blockages caused by the hirer. 

Damage & Theft.

The equipment is the hirers responsibility from delivery through to collection. Additional charges will apply for any items which are returned to the owner damaged, lost or excessively dirty condition. The hirer will not deface, alter or cover up the owner’s logo/name plate marked on equipment. It is the responsibility of the hirer to pay the full ‘as new’ replacement cost for damaged or stolen units.  

Duty Of Care.

It is the hirers duty of care to ensure that all persons using the equipment are fully aware the water provided is not drinking water. 


The hirer will be responsible for any contamination within the unit(s). The owner will not accept any liability for any environmental issues caused by overflowing tanks. 


The owner will ensure all equipment is safe to use on site. If any equipment fails, it is the hirers responsibly to let the owner know immediately. The owner will repair or replace as soon as reasonably practicable. The hirer must not repair unless this has been agreed with the owner. 


The hirer is unable to transfer the hire of the units/equipment to another person. Units or equipment will need to be off-hired by the hirer.

Hirer’s Responsibility Third Parties The hirer shall fully and completely indemnify the owner in respect of all claims by any person whatsoever for injury to person or damage to property however caused including all costs and charges in connection with and arising from or in connection with the use of the equipment and whether or not arising under statute or common law or from the negligence or breach of duty or other wrongful act or omission of the owner or any of the owners’ employees.


The hirer shall indemnify the owner in respect of all claims for injury, loss or damage caused by or in connection with hiring or use of the plant hirer.

Insurance & Care.

We advise that the hirer has insurance in place for all hire equipment during their hire period. The hirer will be liable for any items which are lost, damaged or stolen. The hirer shall be responsible for insuring the equipment against any damage caused during the hire period. The hirer shall be acquainted with the condition of the plant and shall not keep it in use after it has become in a defective, damaged or dangerous state. Negligence or misuse on the part of the hirer or his servants, or to wilful or accidental damage however occurring, the hirer shall be liable to the owner:

1.     For the cost of repairs and 

2.     For the hire charges while the plant is idle due to the breakdown or damage and while repairs are being carried out.

Non-Payment For Services.

Site Units - The owner shall not continue to service, repair, replace any equipment if there is any outstanding monies owing from the hirer. 

Events and VIP Trailered Units - If the hirer fails to make full payment to the owner 14 days prior to the start date of the event. The owner will withhold the services booked and the owner will not accept any liability for any costs, charges or losses sustained by the hirer. 

Placement Of Units & Site Access.

The hirer shall not move the unit(s) from the position they have been delivered or consigned to without the agreement in writing from the owner. The hirer shall ensure that all equipment belonging to the owner will have suitable access free from all overhead obstructions, trees, hedges etc and without buried pipes or others concealed services that may suffer damage by the transport, use, erection/ installation and/or dismantling/removal of equipment. The owner shall not be responsible for any damage caused to paving, ground surfaces, vehicles, buildings or other features on site when delivering, collecting or servicing units whilst acting under the instruction of the hirer or the hirers agents. If the owner arrives to the site address to complete a movement or carry out a service and the ground or surface is unsuitable, the hirer will need to supply a ground covering as a temporary foundation which is suitable to carry out works on. 


No power is required for any plastic units, unless the unit is a hot wash unit.  All shower units, hot wash units and VIP Trailered Units require a 16-amp power supply. The owner will supply all power cables. Showers require a mains water supply which is to be provided by the hirer. Once the unit(s) has been delivered and set up, the unit(s) cannot be moved. Where the equipment comprises of electrical equipment, it must be connected to the correct supply by a qualified electrician. The hirer is responsible for providing a suitable electrical and earth supply to the base of each item. The owner is not responsible for any external generators or external power sources. 

Right Of Access.

The hirer shall allow access to the equipment at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, maintenance replacement or repossession.

Safe Use.

The hirer confirms that it has the necessary knowledge and experience to operate and use the equipment hired, the hirer will not allow any person to use the equipment who are not properly instructed in its use and will ensure that all applicable health and safety rules and regulations are observed. 

Servicing Of Units.

The owner will service the equipment weekly, unless stated otherwise on booking. The owner has the right to service the equipment on any day of the week which is variable for the owner. If the owner gets to the unit and there is no access for the service to be undertaken, the hirer will still be charged for the full price of the service. 

Siting Of VIP Trailered Units.

We allow 1 hour on site for set up of VIP Trailered Units. The unit will be towed in and delivered by a medium/large sized vehicle so adequate space is required. The unit needs to be placed on a flat and firm ground. Once the unit has been delivered and set up, it cannot be moved.


The owner will provide cold water facilities only, unless agreed in writing.