Road Permits

When hiring a skip from Ace Liftaway, placing the skip on a public highway requires a road permit. We can handle this process for you, ensuring a smooth and compliant experience.

How We Can Help
  • Permit Application: Ace Liftaway will apply for the necessary road permit on your behalf. The permit is typically valid for one week, and we will manage all administrative aspects of the application.
  • Permit Costs: There is a charge for the permit, which varies by council.
  • Additional Requirements: For skips placed on public highways, you will need to provide lights and cones. We can supply these items at an additional charge.

Key Points to Remember
  • Four Days Notice: Council regulations require a minimum of four clear working days notice for permit applications.
  • Charges: Both the permit and skip hire incur charges. Contact our team to find out the current charges.
  • Contact Information: To arrange skip hire, visit our skip hire page.

Contact our team to find out more.